Friday, January 8, 2021

Cargo Muchacho Mountains

 This morning I decided not to sit around and wait for a call.  Yuma and I had a leisurely morning with great weather again.  

Wanted to make sure I had my Dish going for the day so turned it on and I'll be darn if it would not find the satellites.  Worked on that thing by moving the tailgater from west to east and back again.  Took 20 minutes but felt like forever.

As I was working on the Dish, a Furniture Row Denver Mattress truck delivered a mattress to a trailer just up the road.  Nice!  They will deliver in the desert 😀

At 11 o'clock Yuma and I piled in the Jeep and headed back into the Cargo Muchacho Mountains but on a different road this time.  These mountains are rugged and bare of all growth, so they are dusty.

Not much of a road

Says No Tresspassing

Hooked onto American Girl Mine road.  Much better road for now.
Wasn't long before I was in the mountains on bad roads again.  Had to climb that large pile of tailings dumped from something on the other side.

Yuma is standing on the edge.

Beautiful day for mountain climbing.

Large pile of tailings from a pit

Climbed to the top and took a look around.

Rugged terrain for walking.   

We got back to the White Lion at 1:30 and just as we laid down to rest, I got a call from Computer Solutions saying my computer is fixed.  Yuma and I headed into town and picked it.  
Glad to have it back, but unfortunately I took all my pictures on my phone so doing my post on my phone for the last night. 🙃

Time to relax and get ready for Gold Rush.   Been a busy day and still have dinner to do 😞

See you later.


  1. The Cargo Muchcho Mountains are rugged, but very interesting and pretty. Glad your computer is finally back home! Beautiful evening sky.

    1. Thanks Dolly. My foot is feeling much better this year. Going to that foot doctor last year helped. Hope I don't have to do another blog post on my phone.

  2. Re: Gold Rush....I bet you've never visited the Elkhorn area in Oregon..Beautiful country and swell to visit in late spring and summer..Plenty of places to camp and explore all the old gold mining claims...
    Lots of fun!..

    1. You are right UpRiverDavid. I lived on Salem for five years back in the 80s, but never traveled to the east of the mountains very often.

  3. Yes, that's how I remember the Cargo Muchacho Mountains as well. Rough roads, rugged and barren terrain, not a lot of greenery.

    1. Lots of rocks. Perfect place to turn an ankle. Yuma had a lot of fun running up and down.

  4. The pictures on your phone ... open a picture and click the square at the bottom (assuming you have an iPhone, but surely you can do this on any other type of phone). You can click on a few more pictures and email them to yourself. When you open your email on your computer you can save them to your blog file. It's much easier than trying to do the blog with your phone. Glad the computer is working for you!!! Cool mountains to be hiking.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I knew I could email them to my computer but was too lazy. Hopefully the phone is history for creating blogs.

  5. You could also plug your phone into your computer and it basically turns it into an external hard drive. You could then find the pics you want right from the phone.
    Glad to see you are having a good time in the warm weather while we are still in a frozen tundra!

    1. I wish I could Jim but the new G20 phone has a different plugin with no grooves and won't go in the computer 😞 you have had some terrible weather lately with the ice and I hear a cold wave is coming. Not good.

  6. What a beautiful day and what a good thing you didn't sit around waiting for a phone call! I love the picture of Yuma up on the rocky cliff over what looks like a cave opening. "I'm the king of the castle' comes to mind. :)

    1. Yes, the reason we went up there was to see if it was a cave, but it was just a small excavation test hole. Yuma is less fearful of heights than he used to be. He can sure get around much better than me 😀

  7. The single track trails look better suited for coyotes! Great pics of your hike.

    1. Thanks Jeff. Now that I have my computer back I can get better pictures using my camera instead of the phones camera.

  8. Awesome pictures! Looks like you are having a great time and you got your computer back! Yay! Funny how you miss it when you don't have it!

    1. Thanks Shirley. My computer is a crucial piece of equipment in the boonies. Sure glad to have it back. 😀

  9. Love that area. Rough walking but still wonderful.
    You should be able to use the power cord for your phone (most have a USB end that simply pulls out of the plug) and plug the USB port into the computer to get your phone photos. Keep having fun!!

    1. Thanks Deb. Tried to find the road we took with Jerry, but haven't found it yet i don't think. I have an S20 cellphone and it has a different cable. Need to buy a usb-a to usb-c adapter cable. Haven't done that yet.

  10. Great photos from your phone. Love the pictures of Yuma. He looks so majestic.
