Monday, February 28, 2022

Locomotive Rock

 Another beautiful morning.  We had breakfast outside and about 11 o'clock, Shane stopped by for a visit.  He and Cathy are heading eastward tomorrow and this is our last visit for this year.  We're going to stick around through most of this week enjoying the great weather approaching this area finally.

It was around 2:30 when we decided to drive over to Locomotive Rock and check it out.  I'm sure Nick will want to do some rock climbing. 😀  Me, not so much.😞

Double stacker with an engineer.

Black Mountain

Ajo Pit tailings

North Ajo and Ajo Peaks

Locomotive Rock with Black Mountain in the background.

Yuma says "Let's head over there!"

Nick is on the climb.

Climbing between the smoke stacks.

The stacks are quite vertical and Nick was smart enough not to chance a fall.  We don't need to hit the Ajo Copper Newspaper. 
Our parking spot for the hike.
Al from the Bayfield Bunch, asked in last night's comment section if the Coffee Shop at the downtown mall make a go  of their business they started back when he and the bunch were last here.  Based on the activity in the picture below I think the Coffee business is booming in Ajo.

Today was just perfect with a high of 75 and just a little wind.  We laid outside till dinner and then grilled two double cheeseburgers and a potato.  Weighing for the first time this morning revealed I'm down to 143 pounds and need to get back on the carbs before I fritter away. 😁
Locomotive Peak from our home at sunset.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Locomotive Peak is a col looking place. I'm glad Nick had a good climb, but didn't risk life and limb going up the vertical stacks. Good to see the coffee house busy. Hope you keep having beautiful days in Ajo.

    1. Weather is turning warm and may be slower on the hiking soon. It is a nice change.

  2. I'm glad to see that Ajo coffee shop making a go of it. It's not easy for small business's in a lot of those smaller out of the way southwest towns.

    1. It seems to be a bustling place. Mostly locals.

  3. Glad you guys are getting a steady dose of perfect weather!Locomotive Rock is quite a unique formation. Again, great pics and looks like another beautiful sunset!

  4. Finally ... some decent weather!! I'm hoping it stays.

    1. I'm sure it will go from cold to hot in a flash. Got to be quick to catch it decent 😀

  5. Time for a lot more carbs and milkshakes LOL. Looks beautiful there! Glad the coffee shop is doing so well! Love the sunset picture!

    1. Got to start back up on those carbs. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Many of the businesses in the local desert are seasonal, do you know if the little coffee shop stays busy in the summers.

    1. Not sure, but I do believe it's year round. Didn't go in and chat with owners.

  7. When Al asked about the coffee shop I couldn't picture the location. But seeing the picture....I went in there. Nice people....Elva

    1. It was a busy. I was with Yuma so stayed outside.

  8. You're right Franklin. Would be nice to go back and do these things when I was younger. At least I'm healthy just don't have the strength I once had 😀

  9. Isn't it nice that it's warming up, finally. But will it last?
    Love the pictures of the Locomotive and stack rocks.

    1. Thank you Patsy. I think we have turned the corner. More warm than cold.

  10. I need to try that “boondocking diet” !!!
