Thursday, February 10, 2022

Slab City, California

 This morning I felt much better and was up by 8:30.  I think the heat , the fall and dehydration did me in yesterday.  Sunny and quite warm.  The wind was strong out of the north and already 80 degrees.  By 9 o'clock I gave in and turned the generator on and the AC ๐Ÿ˜€.  No neighbors anyway!

After breakfast we braved the wind and put our patio away and headed out around noon.  Too much wind and besides it's time to move on.  

Only had about an hour and a half journey today to Slab City on the eastern side of the Salton Sea.  Just after 1:30 we drove into the outskirts of Slab City

near the local hot springs.  Nice open area to stay for the night.  Will have to take a dip later this evening to cool off.  Clothing optional ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ™ˆ.

There we are in the background.

Salvation Mountain in the background.
Shortly after arriving we headed out to be be local tourist and take pictures.  This visit I'm showing you the good, bad and ugly of Slab City!

First place was just down the road.  Salvation Mountain.  To learn more about how it came about read this link.

Unfortunately, they had a very bad thunderstorm this winter and it destroyed much of Salvation Mountain, so we were unable to visit the interior of the mountain.  Nick will have to come back when the renovation work is finished.
Now it is time to drive through Slab City.

Nope.  Already have a lot of pics for you to go through, so will wait till tomorrow to show you around.๐Ÿ˜ˆ  Be sure to come back to see the uncensored view of Slab City. 

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. That's too bad about Resurrection Mountain. I thought that place was pretty sturdy. It must have been some storm. The springs look relaxing. It's probably good for what ails you.

    1. The whole roof caved in and other parts are just torn and weak. Nick and I took a dip and it is very warm and relaxing.

  2. I met Leonard Knight many years ago in August!, when in Slab City for a meteor shower. A movie "A Lifetime of Childlike Faith" provides a history of Knight and his mountain.

  3. Glad you woke feeling better. Slab City is one of your regular spots. I remember it from all the color. Too bad About it falling in! Looking forward to Slab City uncensored๐Ÿ˜

    1. Back to normal. It is a colorful place. My blog header catches the flavor of Slab City.

  4. You would think all that paint would keep the water off. Too bad ... I hope they repair it. Those sections inside the mountain were pretty cool. Glad Nick got to see it. I rather imagine he had some interesting comments about Slab City! LOL

    1. The paint is getting old and developing cracks and wooden roofs are rotting away. ๐Ÿฅบ

  5. Replies
    1. Staying another day so Nick can see more of it. And on a Friday ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  6. Slab City is a must see for sure. Some come away disgusted but we were intrigued with it. Not for us but it's a place for many to call home for one reason or another. We were offered a peanut butter sandwich when we drive through. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. It is intersesting. A step up from living on the streets of a big city begging for food.

  7. Even with the Damage you described Salvation Mountain looked in good shape. It does take a lot of maintenance to keep it in shape. Take a drive around the slabs themselves.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Maintenance is important. Looks to be lacking tis year or the storm did a lot of damage to walkways and the paint is cracking through everywhere and you can see the dirt underneath.

  8. Are there any of the slabs still remaining? I don't see any in your photos. It seems they would be desirable for floors for their huts and tents.

  9. Yes there are slabs but didn't think to take any pictures of the ones that were in the open. I'm sure many are used as home foundations.
