Sunday, March 20, 2022

Like a thief in the night

 Woke up at 12:30 thinking it was near morning.😞  Sent a text to Dolly at 3:45 welcoming her to Spring!  I wonder if it is anxiety or just getting old.  Finally, got some sleep from about 5:30 to 7:30.  

We are locked in for the day since no one is working.  Clouds today and calling for rain maybe.  Also, going to be much cooler with a high of 70 today.  

After breakfast we just laid around the house and watched TV.  I get local channels here so watched some basketball games.  This is the first time I have actually watched local TV for a long time.  

Around 4 we played a game of Chess.  We are both getting better and making less errors so the games are going down to the wire now.

Had hotdogs again.  Never get tired of them.  Hoping to celebrate good news tomorrow night with NY Strip steak.

Our holding tanks are near full, so tomorrow, we will be heading into Mesa to pick up a Blue Boy and a fresh water bladder.  Should have bought both years ago but kept putting it off.   Now I've got to drive 60 miles to get them.

While watching the Phoenix news, a meteorologist looked familiar.  I looked her name up and she is Lauren Rainson from Peoria, Illinois.  She moved with her husband to Phoenix in early 2020.  Speaking of weather, we actually got some rain and a little thunder this afternoon.  Not much, but enough to scare the Yuma. 😕

Before bed, like a thief in the night, I jumped the fence to use the restroom at the Xpress Truck stop across the lot.  Can it get any worse?

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Aren't you getting a bit old for fence jumping? I'd have peed in Steve's water bottle :) Well maybe not ...

    1. I've had thoughts like that but trying to be patient. At least through today.

  2. Whether anxiety or old age, you need to sleep better. Hopefully, you'll get good news (or some news) and celebrate. There have been some good basketball games and some not so close, but I enjoy them. Glad your chess games are so enjoyable. Good luck tomorrow!

    1. True. Need my beauty sleep or I'll wake up ugly and grumpy. Guess the Arizona game was a doozy but I turned it off. Not sure it's as much fun for Nick, but he is learning.

  3. GOOD that you and Nick can play chess. I could never get the hang of it.
    Look at you climbing that fence!!😅 you are sure entertaining.

    1. You've got your puzzles and I've got Chess. When you gotta go, you gotta go!

  4. Okay, I cannot believe you climbed that but then you did jump out of an airplane. One adventure after another. Fingers crossed that you get news about that White Lion in the morning.

    1. Thanks Deb. I'm keeping my fingers crossed too.

  5. What a predicament. It's hard not to be really mad at Steve-O. Hoping things go better for both of us today!!

    1. Thanks Deb. Hope your service is better than mine.

  6. Yeah. Hope you at least hear something soon. I'm guessing probably the anxiety of being stuck there is why you can't sleep. At least you guys have been getting a lot of chess games in.

    1. Hope so to Steve. Just be glad when we're free to go.

  7. As much as I don't want them to get your $$ I hope they fix it quickly and you get out of there! That's not right that you had to scale the fence!! Not a good company at all! Good luck today :)

    1. Thanks Shirley. Sure don't feel the love here for some reason. I just want to go and if things don't happen real soon, I'm getting towed down the road.

  8. You might find a blue boy at Norris RV in Casa Grande.

    1. Gave them a call and they do have them. Thank you for the tip.

  9. Oh the stories you will be able to tell your grandkids! Oh wait.....your grandkid is experiencing your memories. How cool is that? Well....except for the fence story. Keep the faith! Elva
