Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Short move today

 We were up at 7 o'clock and out the door for Yuma's walk.

We're hoping this morning something happens so we had our breakfast early and sure enough, at 9 o'clock, Anthony walked across the street with paper in hand.  I signed my life away and then we started talking to break ice and allow him to realize I'm a nice guy.  Somehow we got on Gold Rush and I find he is an avid viewer too.  Too late I find that he would rather talk than work.

After two trips back and forth, he left to get the computer with the analyzing programs.  Then nothing till 1:45.  I am getting disturbed with the lack of communication around here.  He finally walks over with the computer and the excuse that someone had left it running overnight and it needed to be charged first.  He could have brought it over and plugged it in here at the motorhome.😖

He also brought some engine starter spray and I turned it over and it started, but only for a minute.😠

He then hooked the computer to the diagnostic plug but unfortunately no recent codes came up.😩

He went back to talk to Steve and I guess it was decided to tow it into the shop area because Anthony came back with a forklift and hooked it to the motorhome and pushed me across the street into a narrow bay.

Things didn't go perfectly.  No one was communicating with me or watching the MH so as I turned into the narrow bay area I could tell it was too narrow, but nothing I could do.  Anthony kept pushing and luckily saw the trailer next to me sway and immediately stopped.  I was so relieved, but felt certain with the crunch I heard I had another scar on the White Lion.  

Now Steve is out the door and taking command.  He gives us instructions to back out and then someone moves the semi on the other side so there is more room and then he guides us back in.  The hit was right at the door, so when I stepped out I was expecting damage, but was shocked to see nothing but a couple light small scratches.😀

Anthony did some more looking around and trying to find a new diagnostic code to no avail.  He was hoping Steve would return and help with the computer stuff because he was at a loss.  It is after 4 o'clock and I was certain Steve would not be concerned till morning and I was right.

We had been laying low because it was my thought Steve would not allow us to stay in the shop area over night for liability reasons.  So, I asked Anthony and he said no problem, RVers stay over night all the time. 😊  That's a possibly big motel and eating out expense I don't have to worry about.

As soon as the workers left, Nick and I put up the local antenna and turned on the TV in preparation for Survivor.  The Phoenix CBS station kept going in and out so we moved the antenna another foot higher and the reception was perfect.  Another Survivor out of the way.

It is now 8 o'clock and time to finish this post and fix dinner for Yuma and me.  Nick is outside on the grill fixing a turkey cheeseburger for himself.

I hope with the bumping and hassles, Steve has had with us and the city, he wants our RV problem resolved and us out of his hair.   He needs to help Anthony figure out what our problem is and get it fixed I hope.  I was hoping today was the day, but it looks like tomorrow is the day. 😟  I hope.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Barney. Patience is the name of the game. I have lots of time

  2. Even though things aren't looking too optimistic right now, it could be worse. At least you're where someone can work on the MH, even if they aren't rushing. Tomorrow is another, and, hopefully, a better day. Keeping fingers crossed that you hear something tomorrow.

    1. I am glad for what we have. I remind myself that the priority of this truck garage is to get hard working truckers back on the road asap and us old retired RVers are second fiddle. Will be glad to know the problem. Will sleep easier.

  3. That sounds like a very stressful situation getting the White Lion in the bay. Hope things move a little quicker for you now so you can get on your way soon.

    1. We're staying patient and I'm sure all will work out. Lots to see and do around here. Glad we didn't break down in St Louis 🤣

  4. You know I just LOVE good service!! Maybe you should get on the internet and see if you can find out something on your own. I can't believe you are having this much trouble!!! Wishing you the luck of the Irish today!!!

    1. Thanks Nancy. Wish you were here to give them a piece of my mind 😄 I'm too timid.

  5. Replies
    1. Hope so to. At least a little further along than yesterday.

  6. Sounds like a fuel pump to me. Starts with starter spray (which is a fuel) and then stops right away (which is no fuel)...just a thought. GOOD LUCK (and you have a heck of a lot more patience than I do)

    1. I'm sure they will figure it out. Meantime I've got a free place to stay and lots to see and do. I'd rather be here than in cold Illinois right now

  7. Just don't think that's my answer. This place has an A+ BBB rating and they run a lot of trucks through here. My only real complaint is the lack of communication . I do agree the priority should be to the hard working truckers and us retired RVers just need to be patient. And you're right, I am at their mercy. 😀
