Friday, February 11, 2022

Another day in Slab City, California

When things quieted down at the Slab City Hot Springs, Nick and I decided to check it out for ourselves last night.  We were pleasantly surprised to find the  water was indeed quite warm and felt good on a beautiful clear evening.  I stayed for about half hour and Nick stuck around for awhile longer.

Slept good last night.  Very quiet where we are.  Didn't get up till after 9 o'clock to take Yuma out.  Beautiful morning with no air movement.  Calling for a high of 86 today so we will feel it.

We decided during breakfast to stick around for one more day.  Nick wanted to stop into some of the shops and do some art shopping and I wanted to just stick around and rest.  That was the plan for the day and we stuck to it.

Nick didn't buy any art but did stop at a few places and also looked deeper into the places of interest around here.  He discovered The Range and decided this evening to venture into town and visit the honkytonk.  Be interesting what he thinks of the people and music when he returns home later this evening.  If I were 21, I would be interested too.

This area is made up of RVs, trailers and home built shanties and even tents.  No running water and no other facilities, but it has no smells unless the wind is blowing from the Salton Sea not far west of here.

As we drove around the area, I was surprised to see very few residents out and about.  It was in the middle of a very warm day and that may have been the reason.

Now to the pictures of this little place called Slab City.  To learn more about the history of the place check out this link.

Old shoes trees.

Art is important.

Saw a number of burned homes.
Surrounding your claimed property with anything you can find is important.

Tomorrow is a travel day.  Probably won't stay up but I will hear Nick come in.  Hope you enjoyed a drive through Slab City.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Yup ... still looks the same, except I didn't see any burned buildings. It does seem there are fewer people though. The artwork is always interesting to see.

  2. There seems to be a lot more artsy stuff than the last time we were there. 'The Range' on a Saturday night is quite the place to hang out. Glad to see the library is still going. I wonder if 'Solar Mike' is still in business there?? He's close to the church building.

    1. You're right Al. The place looked much brighter than past years. Looked nicer in places. I thought Solar Mike retired so I didn't stop by his place. Checked Google and didn't find any info on retirement.

  3. Slab City looks different. Brighter, with more artsy stuff around. Are any of the businesses still there from years ago? It will be interesting to see what Nick thought of the local saloon. Guess you'll be going somewhere to set up for Super Bowl Sunday.

    1. It seemed brighter to me too. Not sure if Solar Mike is still there or not. That was the only real business. Yep. Here at Ogilby Road with the gang for the Superbowl 😄

  4. Hope Nick was able to look around East Jesus, I think it is the best of the Slabs.

    1. Yes he did. He went back and walked around the second day. He thinks it's special.

  5. That's definitely a different kind of place. I know Nick said he'd watched a documentary about Slab City way before he knew he'd ever be visiting. So glad he was able to check it out some more. Good for you to get an extra day off rest! Who are you pulling for in the Super Bowl?

    1. Nick was interested. We stayed an extra day so he could explre on his own. Hope he doesn't move there 😊 i think I'll take Cincinnati.

  6. The artwork at Slab City is fun to see. As Al mentioned East Jesus is an art experience like no other.

    1. Nick went back on his own and walked through East Jesus. He was intrigued.

  7. Lots of new sights since we were last at The Slabs.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your next adventure.

    It's about time.

    1. Yes. This time we found some new places with artwork.

  8. You're right Franklin. It is not for everyone.

  9. Looks like "Trash City" to me...Come on up to Seattle, now has the same sad look.
