Sunday, March 27, 2022

Me hauling, U-hauling

 Awake early this morning around 4:30 taking Yuma for a walk.  Got a long day ahead of me.  Jumped in the Jeep at 5 o'clock heading for the western outskirts of Tucson for an appointment to have a hitch placed on the Jeep and then pick up a 5X8 enclosed trailer.  Beautiful sunrise on Picacho Peak.

Had no problems driving.  No traffic at this time, but had a devil of a time finding the U-haul office.  Finally found it and the young man that does hitches, the hitch man was ready to get at it right at 7 o'clock.  Only problem was, there was only him and his manager working and this is a big busy place.

I patiently waited as hitch man bounced around trying to help everyone.  Finally, the manager called in help and hitch man was able to get me done.  He received a big tip for his honest effort and concern for getting me out the door as fast as possible.  An hour and a half late at 11:30, I was on my way.  He gave me a 20% discount on the hitch install and the trailer, so we both came out ahead.😀

Looks a little different than the trip out, but at least we can get home now.  Got back to Kay's spread at 2 o'clock and immediately started packing the trailer.

Yuma the inspector!
We would pick a day that broke the high temperature record for this date of 93 degrees.  By 7 o'clock we were 95% done so decided to give it a test run and go grab some dinner.  Picked a In-N-Out burger place and got take out.  Must say, the burger and fries were terrible!😕

After dinner, Kay stopped by and we discussed what will be happening over the next month and came up with a plan.  The one sure thing is that the White Lion will get a second diagnosis.  After that, decisions will be made.  So glad Kay is gracious enough to allow me the time to get this thing done right and be able to utilize the many connections she has in this area.  Thank you, Kay!😍

Time to hit the sack and get a good night's rest because we are heading east in the morning to parts unknown at this moment.  Do we go north or do we go south.  I'll decide in my dreams tonight.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Have followed you for several years and just want to wish you and Nick safe travels. One day at a day. Take care.

    1. Thank you AG. Different roadtrip this. Thank you for follow⁴ing along.

  2. Glad you got your hitch and trailer with no problems. You boys were quick to get the packing started, Eben in that record breaking heat. I don't know which is worse- 93° or 37° (the high here today). Have a safe trip tomorrow.

    1. Thanks Dolly. Long hot day. Getting it done though Thanks to Nick's help.

  3. Well shoot, I was wishing for the best outcome for you four...Arf & meow included.
    My Winnie is an '88 and I figure our outcome could be the same. Trailer & toad for a ride home..What has gotten me through life is the thinking.." It could have been worsters...
    Wishing you a safe trip home, and that you don't mind my goofy comments..

    1. Thanks URD. You are right. It could have been worse. Just glad we're all save. New unexpected adventures.

  4. I think being organized is half the battle and you are well on your way to winning this one. With help from Kay you have bought some time to re-assess the motorhome situation and future travel plans. It's always good to have friends along the way. And just think, in a few days you guys will be home sweet home:))

    1. Thanks Al. Be interesting to see how it all works out. Looking forward to getting home.

  5. Go the route which will put the less amount of strain on your Jeep, and keep it under 60 sure don't want to kill your Jeep trying to get home quickly. Be sure to check your fluids and air pressure, including pressure on trailer tires.

    1. Yep. We're staying south a little longer and flatter. Taking it slow and easy.

  6. Don't you just LOVE those good RV friends? So very nice of Kay to help out. It's like taking my puppy to the Vet ... at least you are giving the White Lion one last chance. I hope she lives to roar again!! Take your time going home .. no use driving 8 hour days and getting exhausted. I love the southern route, but not the tornados. I'd head North!!

    1. Thanks Nancy. Many years in tornado country and never seen one, so south it is. Be interesting to get a second opinion on the WL.

  7. That Kay is a life saver! Very nice of her! In and Out Burger was a disappointment, that's too bad. Safe travels today.

    1. Very thankful for Kay. Thanks Steve. We'll be there soon.

  8. I'm not an In and Out girl. Their hamburgers were ok, but can't stand their fries so once was enough for us! Hopefully the 2nd diagnosis will be better than the first one. Wow that's a packed trailer. Take it easy and enjoy the route home, whatever that may be. Nick will get to do some more sight seeing. Kay sounds like a wonderful woman! :)

    1. Hope so too. I was surprised their food was so blah.

  9. Sounds like you had a busy day. Don't overdo the time you drive each day. It will wear you down making it harder to continue.
    Safe Travels and Enjoy getting home.

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks Rick. Unfortunately,I'm not good at taking it slow.

  10. Kay is like your guardian angel! Make sure the next folks also check for contaminated fuel.
    Safe travels!

    1. Thanks Jeff. Kay has helped quit a bit. Hopefully they find exactly what's wrong. Not just engine is bad. Needs new engine.

  11. Save travels Doug and Nick. Dave has good advice, fluids tire pressure and speed. Hope a second diagnoses will give you favorable results.

    1. What Bill said, ditto for me. Important thing, don't rush, be safe and enjoy the journey home. ♥♥♥ that White Lion is getting a second chance. :)

    2. Thank you both for your concerns and thoughts.

  12. Tha ks Franklin. Seems I've been bitten by several bad choices this trip. Don't need any more.
