Monday, April 8, 2024

Glen Canyon Dam

Woke up to a cool morning with a little breeze.  Just enough to put a chill in the air.  Turned Big Buddy on for about 15 minutes.  It is going to be a cool partly cloudy day;  but, luckily, I don't have anything planned for outside that will take a lot of time.

After a long breakfast and walks with the dogs, we finally jumped into the Jeep heading the 9 miles to Glen Canyon Dam.  It is located between us and Page, so I have traveled over the bridge several times.  It is a beautiful sight and Page overlooks it.  

Page was founded in 1957 and is at 4200 feet in elevation.  I'm sure winters are cool here.  It is a beautiful little town with not much traffic.  The people are mostly out of towners viewing all the sights around here.

Not too much to say, so I will let the pictures do most of the talking.

Lake Powell is further North up the Colorado River

Looking down river from the dam

How's that for stairs?
I also want to mention that my granddaughter, Erin and her parents went to Los Angles this past weekend to visit the USC campus.  I have not heard anything official as to whether she wants to go there, but the vibes tell me she liked the campus.  Mom and Dad better have deep pockets, if she does decide to attend in the Fall.
Love this picture

I do want to mention, today is the solar Eclipse Day.  Dolly is located in the right place to see almost 100%; but unfortunately, I am not.  I didn't buy glasses, so no looking up for me.  

Dolly is babysitting, the Gibbons family dog Mo, while they are in Los Angeles.  He and Dolly were prepared to see the eclipse. 

Cool Dog Mo!

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wonderful pictures of the river and Glen Dam. What a beautiful area. How lucky are the people of Page. The solar eclipse was inspiring. Not totality here, but only a small sliver wasn't covered. That sliver was bright red. I'm sorry you and the boys missed it.

  2. Great pictures of some beautiful views!

    1. Thank you. A different kind of desert up here.

  3. Don't comment often, but had to over your granddaughter visiting USC. We are a Trojan family as my husband received his Ph.D and M.D. degrees there and was a Professor for many years before the M.D. degrees. Good luck to Erin and Go Trojans!!!

    1. Thank you. I'm hoping our Midwest granddaughter spreads her wings and decides to fly into the future. I will post her decision.

  4. Love that area of the country! We camped right where you are a few years ago. The big rock had no water surrounding it! Glad to see the change this year! :)

    1. I can't believe it was lower. Glad it's improving. Beautiful area. Don't like it when it is windy. 😞

  5. Really great pictures! Beautiful area. Finally starting to get nice around here.

    1. That's good. You could have used some on that run the other day.

  6. The town of Page was interesting. Since it was built in 1957 there were no "old" buildings. Lots of mid-century

    1. They do have an old motel section of town.
