Sunday, April 7, 2024

Horseshoe Bend

This morning, it was nice to wake up to the sound of silence.  No wind at all.  With this new Mountain Time, it was already 9 o'clock with lots of sunshine.

After being cooped up all afternoon yesterday, it was nice to step outside without getting sand in your eyes.  Pulled out some rugs and chairs and we all sat outside enjoying the warm sunshine.  It's going to be a beautiful day.

Had a full breakfast and leisurely drank two cups of coffee while sitting and overlooking Lake Powell.  It was passed noon when we decided to make the short drive to Horseshoe Bend just south of Page, Arizona.  I've seen pictures of this famous part of the Colorado River, but now I can say I've been there, done that.

I took both Yuma and Teddy with me.  It was a good walk of about a half mile down to the overlook.  They got lots of attention and pets going and coming back.  I was suprised at the number of people that were here.  I'm glad no one fell over the edge while I was there.  There were enough nuts climbing the rocks very near the edge.

Supposed to stay behind the fence

Beautiful picture of an ugly face

It was quite warm and poor Teddy needed to be carried part way back, but we made the climb.  We stopped to buy milk in Page on the way back to camp.  Going to walk down to the lake's edge, then sit out and enjoy the remainder of the day, have dinner and call it a night.

That last walk down to the lake's edge and back wore me out.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. That's a gorgeous area. Those people are brave- and a little crazy- hopping around so close to the cliff's edge. The lake is really pretty and serene.

    1. Thank you, Dolly. Had a great time. Beautiful.

  2. WOW! I am catching up and you have really been seeing some beautiful country. I may be a little Glad no one fell over the edge while you were there. Great pictures!

    1. Always wanted to make it to Utah, even if I can only visit a few places. Same as southern Arizona, except no cactus.

  3. Haven't seen any of the recent photos of Lake Powell. Last time I was there was in 1997. I knew it was going down a lot, but I'm stunned.

    1. I'm sure I would be under water. It is not a very big lake anymore. Hopefully, it will come back.

  4. Wow! What a beautiful area!! Sounds like Teddy is fitting in real well!

    1. Teddy is getting more comfortable each day, but he has a mind of his own.

  5. Great pictures!

  6. The lake is really low. Nice pictures! Remember that black pup is going to be a lot hotter in the sun than Mr. Yuma. Such a cutie ... I bet he loves being carried!!!

    1. It is low. Teddy is becoming pretty bossy now that he is starting to fit in.

  7. I've seen that hat on you somewhere-places before.....
