Saturday, April 20, 2024

Day 5 Home at last

 Had a nice quiet night and slept well.  We got up early and on the road by 8 o'clock with home as our destination.  It was a 430-mile drive and we did it in 7 hours.  

We were home at 3 o'clock and there was not a hitch the whole day.  A little windy driving north on I-55 the last 120 miles from St. Louis to home.

Our neighbors gave Dolly a lighted sign with letters, numbers and emojis.  Dolly made a sign for our homecoming.

Yuma is happy to be in the chair with his dad and Teddy has already fell in love with Dolly.

When I arrived home, I told Dolly I wasn't tired, but the 5 days of driving finally hit me.  I am happy to be home and ready to have a long rest in my own bed. 

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Great you made it home safely. Relax and rest up. That is great that the dogs get along and Teddy has fallen in love with Dolly.

    1. Thanks, Bill. Glad we were able to get together several times this past winter. Hopefully, not my last.

  2. Welcome home!! I bet Dolly has also fallen in love with Teddy too!! Relax Doug, you have had an awesome adventure this winter.

  3. Replies
    1. Yuma has finally resigned himself that Teddy is here to stay. He sort of accepts him except around food. We have a little Freddy (Mercury) black Poodle coming Friday.

  4. I have enjoy reading your blog and the adventures and places you go. Do you only travel in the *RV in the winter? I saw you covered some non desert trips in the blog's early years but later seems that you use it only for winter travel. (*All 3 RV rigs). Thank you.

    Cheri H.

    1. Thank you for following along these many years. Almost all our travels have been to the southwest. Dolly went along the first few years but it was not enjoyable for her. She loved being home and I would become a TV sofa guy which was not good. We made a decision to both do the thing we love and it has worked well.

  5. Yay! Nice to see everyone home safe and sound. Does Yuma recognize when you are getting close to home?

    1. Yes he did. Jumped all over the Jeep as we drove down our road.

  6. We are happy to hear you made it safe and sound. Rest, relax, and enjoy Dolly’s cooking!


  7. Welcome home Doug, Yuma and Teddy! Another winter's adventures are over - for now.

  8. What a sweet sign to welcome you 3 home! Enjoy the summer at home and keep in touch once in awhile!

  9. Hi Doug:
    I have been a reader for 6 or 7 years, and wouldn't miss a single post. Before you take your summer break I hope you give us dog lovers some pictures of Teddy, Yuma and Teddy and Yuma. And tell us how long before they got along together. Do they ever growl at each other? I don't recall a photo of Teddy's face. Did I miss it? Just one update with photos, please. I sure think you lucked out on your new MH and getting rid of the White Lion. That was a bundle of trouble. and more coming up. Phil
