Probably wondering what happened last week. NOTHING! Empire Power Systems called prior to last Friday wanting to reschedule to the following Monday, BUT. Kay was scheduled to be out of town all last week, so the testing was rescheduled for today, Monday the 29th.
Kay sent a pic of Jason's truck and the White Lion |
Jason from Empire Power Systems called this morning to verify I still wanted them to go out and of course I said "with bells on". It is now afternoon and all is quiet, so I'm still hopeful all is going as planned. I strongly want my White Lion back on the road, so I'm impatiently waiting.
Got a call from Jason, the Cat mechanic around 3:30. He checked it out and believes a high pressure fuel control valve needed for starting the engine is bad, thus it does not start. He is going to pick one up tomorrow and put it in sometime this week. Estimated cost is $3,000. Much better than a $15,000 engine replacement estimate I got from Midway Diesel! I will know the total costs and exact problem, when it is done. I will keep you updated.
Nick may be going to Ireland this winter with his Irish friend, so may not be coming along this time. Every year, I think it is my last year, but as Summer turns to Fall, I get that urge to see the deserts and mountains of the southwest one more time.
Hopefully, the White Lion will be waiting for me. I appreciate Kay allowing me to store the MH at her place in Apache Junction and recommending the nice people at Empire Power Systems. Without her and my commenter friends advising me to get a second opinion, the White Lion may have been sold as scrape.
Keep you posted as we proceed through the next phase of the Miss Adventure Travels.