Sunday, November 10, 2019

Indianapolis Monumental Marathon

November 10, 2019

Just like clockwork, each year there is another Marathon in Indianapolis and Steve has to attend.  Reason why is because he has attended every one of them since the inception.  This is the twelfth year.

Friday around noon, Dolly and I along with Steve and his son Nick jumped into Kristi's (my daughter) car and drove the 2 1/2 hours to Indianapolis.  We took Fergie along but left Yuma with Kristi's daughter, Erin.

Stayed at the same hotel as we do every year and had dinner at the hotel's restaurant, Nicolinos.  Went to bed early in preparation of the big day.  Of course I had to watch Gold Rush.

The race started at 8 o'clock so we were up early in the 26 degree temperature.  The day called for sunny and 46 later in the day, but for the race  it was downright cold for us spectators.
After the ceremonies, Steve left first with the 26.3 mile marathoners.  

 Half hour later Kristi and Nick took off with the 5K runners.  Dolly and I are proud of them for doing this each year.

Steve's goal was to break 3 hours as he did several years ago, but it wasn't to be.  He hit a brick wall near the end and came in with a 3 hours, three minutes and 6 seconds time.  So close.  It was his second best time ever.  I can't comprehend running 26 miles at an average of 7 minutes a mile.  Congratulations to Steve!
Kristi had a goal of 39:59 at 49.  She wanted a time of 39 minutes and 59 seconds at age 49.  Not to be.   Her time came in at 40:12.  So close.  Congratulations to Kristi!
Nick also ran the 5K but he had practiced every day and his time was 22:17.  He beat his previous best by 2 minutes. Congratulations to Nick!  

Here they are with their medals.
My oldest son and his family live in Lebanon, IN not far from Indy, so we stopped for a couple hour visit.  Great to see Ben, his family and an old family friend John, just happened to be in town so had a nice visit with him also.
After a stop at McDonalds, we got home around 5:30.  Long day, but a fun time with family.

See you later.


  1. Congrats to he runners! So great to see Ben, his family and John

  2. Wow! Congratulations to all 3 runners! They did awesome. I know where they got it from, after learning about all your hiking adventures. From Yuma, right? teehee

    1. Thanks Patsy. I wish I could run with them, but my running days are long past, but Yuma does keep me busy hiking around the desert.

  3. Congrats to all the runners that participated and especially to your three runners on their wonderful accomplishments. That is quite a feat. Dedication is a discipline for all runners or no one would do it.
    How wonderful to see more family and an old friend as well.

  4. Congratulations to the runners, a great accomplishment for sure. You are great parents to brave the cold to be there and support them. Always nice to get to spend time with family.

  5. Thank you. Dolly and I are proud of all of them. Have a great Veterans Day.
