Saturday, October 29, 2022

Day 3 - Made it to Mesa, Arizona

 Another long day, but this time it was only 9 hours.  I left Santa Rosa, NM at 7 o'clock this morning and the only stops I made were for gas.  It was 5 1/2 hours on I-40 to Holbrook, AZ.  Mostly rolling red hills and flat prairie.  

I turned south finally on Highway 377 and headed towards Mesa, AZ.  I was at 7,000 feet when I started and ended at 1,000 feet.  There were mountains everywhere and I was surprised at the number of uphill climbs along with the 6% downgrades.  Very pretty. That was a 3 1/2 hour trip.  Dolly and I made the trek up the mountains many years ago, but this was the first time going down.

The trailer needs to be emptied and back to the U-Haul facility by 4:30 tomorrow, so no rest for the weary yet.  This evening, I took just what I needed and after a good night's rest I'll finish in the morning.  Plus it was 82 degrees when I arrived and that's too hot to work in.

Sometime tomorrow, I'll try to start the White Lion and see what happens.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Congrats on getting back to the WL. I hope all goes well. Sleep well Doug.


  2. Trust you'll hear the Lion roar in the morning. You've had a long trip in the Jeep time for some comforts the Lion can provide.

  3. Thank God for your safe trip. Praying for good news.

  4. Glad you made it safely back to the WL! Get that charger out and start taking pictures!

  5. Saying prayers for the White Lion to roar to life.

  6. I moved to AJ yesterday. The heat of the afternoon was a shock after the below freezing temps that morning up at 5K'. Glad you are back out here. We need to get together at some point.

  7. Good luck with the White Lion! 🤞Try to get some rest!!
