Friday, February 24, 2017

Bouse, Arizona

Friday, February 24, 2017

My location:  Eight miles West of Bouse, Arizona just off Plomosa Drive

This morning, I moved to a different time zone.  I am now on Mountain Time.  However, nothing changed.  I still got up a 7 am.    Did my normal duties, but read a few more blogs this morning. 

This is what Yuma does while waiting for me to finish my blog reading.  He loves to lay on the bed in the sunshine.  What a sweetie!  Notice how neatly it is made?

Took our usual walk.  I could see “Ole Evil Eyes” peaking at us just to the right of that old cactus.


There he is!


It is beautiful out here.



Had bacon and eggs this morning, so it was fairly late in the morning when we decided to visit the village of Bouse.  Thought maybe I could get gas for the Jeep there, instead of running back into Quartzsite.

It was eight miles to Bouse and I drove over to the one gas station they have and the price was $2.99 a gallon compared to $2.20 in Quartzsite, so I will drive to Quartzsite in the morning.

On the outskirts of Bouse is the old Bouse homestead.  Not much left of it.


The whole business district is on hwy 72 and there is not much.  We drove around and took photos of stuff I thought were interesting.  There was a Friday Sales event going on and I bought a head of lettuce and that was it.  Busy place.




In the afternoon, Yuma and I took a walk around our area.  We ran into some heavy Cholla patches, so Yuma was having some difficulties.  Got a little over three miles in.  Not bad.  The day has been beautiful.  Low 60s with lots of sunshine and a slight breeze.  Perfect for walking or about anything except lounging in a pool.



Tonight is Gold Rush night, so I’d better get the TV up and running, get dinner going and sit down and relax for the evening.

See you later.


  1. It really is a beautiful place! I know you and Yuma will enjoy it there - if he can stay out of the chollas. Quite a few veggies at the Bouce farmer's market. The old Bouce homestead looked interesting.

    1. Nice place to visit for awhile. Not much left at the Bouse homestead.

  2. Hi Doug. We're a ways southwest of you, camped off La Paz Valley Rd, about 5mi south of Q. Bouse looks like it has some history.

    1. The Bouse area is pretty, but about 20 miles from Q. The village is struggling like many towns around here.

  3. Never heard of Bouse, looks interesting. Like old evil eye and Yuma's way of relaxing.

    1. Thanks Patsy. Very small town but has lots of boondocking places. Yuma is good at relaxing when he wants.

  4. I seem to recall a display of army tanks there in Bouse too. If you go out Yellowbird Road there's an old radio tower up the mountainside that can be climbed up to. It will be on your right while driving west on Yellowbird. Yellowbird Road runs off the highway to Parker at the north end of Bouse.

    1. Thanks Al. Saw the tanks but all tanked out on pictures. I'll check out Yellowbird Road. I'll be going to Parker sometime in the next week.

    2. Just went outside. This area is sure black. Great place for star gazing.

  5. Really like your picture of "Ole Evil Eyes". We have parked out off Plomosa but we usually stay on the west end. Guess if we want to see "Ole Evil Eyes", in person, we will have to venture further east next time.

    1. The Bouse area is worth a drive to. There's even a ghost town about 20 miles East of Bouse.

  6. Sorry we missed you today. We drove by Plomosa Road without realizing you were there. We will catch up to you one day.

    1. Be sure the next time you're in the Q area to drive to Bouse. Pretty valley with lots of boondocking spots just off the blacktop.

  7. What nice area to explore enjoy the peace and quiet of it.
