Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lazy Day

Saturday, March 8, 2014

This morning, it was cloudy and cool.  Not used to cool.  It only got to 56 today and the breeze off the lake made it feel cooler.   Didn’t have any plans today, so we stayed around the motorhome and watched TV.

This evening, around sunset, I went out to catch a photo of the sunset and the dam,1-DSC05641  and there was a Black-Tailed Jack Rabbit nearby, watching the sunset too.  So, I got a few pictures of him too.Black Tailed Jack RabbitBlack-Tailed Jack Rabbit

Here are a few more photos from yesterday near the Carlsbad Caverns.

Dolly and Fergie in jail
Dolly and Fergie in Jail
Indian dwellings
Indian campsites in wash wall
Trail on Rattlesnake Canyon
Trail on Rattlesnake Canyon
Rattlesnake Canyon 
Dolly and Fergie walking out of Rattlesnake Canyon


See you later.

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