Monday, January 22, 2024

Still working at it

 This morning, I was surprised to see the sun and blue skies.  The rain has been put off till tonight.

It was noon, before I went to Harbor Freight to search for the largest size wrench set they had and I found one with a 1-inch gap that hopefully fits.  If not, I can return for a full refund.  

Brought it home and to my dismay, it was too small but close.  I had volunteered to stay with Alma while Kay and Gary went for a doctor visit.  I was there from 2 o'clock to 6 o'clock, so didn't have a chance to check elsewhere.

Testing, just in case.

I had time to do some Google research and thinking and this is my idea for tomorrow.  I am going back to Harbor Freight and buy a gauge that will measure the width of the nut head so I will know the size I need.

I did some research and found Home Depot sells the crows foot wrench head individually instead of in a set.  With the correct size I will be able to buy just the one I need.😀

I hope there are no mechanics or those with any level of mechanical skills reading this.  How can someone be so stupid with something so simple.  Luckily, I am not in a hurry.

No broken bones today, so I guess I did good!  Gary's appointment went well also, so the day is a success!

I hear the soft patter of rain on our roof, so time to relax and watch TV for awhile  before going to bed.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Did you ever consider a strap wrench or if might work for you. Vern in Boise

    1. Thanks Vern. I will do some research . Hopefully, the crows foot does the job.

  2. Years ago, I purchased Tools for my son-in-law, for Christmas. When I added to those the following year, he told me that he did not know how to use them, and my daughter was the one using them.
    A cheap Plastic Vernier will measure the nut, indicating whether it is a Metric or a Standard size that you need.
    Don't feel bad, because even experienced mechanics can get confused.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Rick. It will be thrill when that thing comes off there. So simple, yet so hard.

  3. Ya know you fit that chair, almost. Its been a long day, and tmmrw is another long day and now, Wednesday too.

    1. Yes. It scares me. Hopefully you enjoy the long days.
