Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Day After

 Monday - January 8

This morning is Monday and Clea called me early to let me know that Annie was not able to stand, and the pain was still there.  No bruising, so we think she broke something. She was willing to go to a chiropractor she has been to and knows, so off we went.  

Got to the chiropractor and he came out to the car and told her she needed to go to the emergency room.  With that said we were off to the hospital.  Clea dropped Alma and I off at the house, knowing it was going to be a long wait at the hospital.

I stayed with Alma all day and heated up some left-over bean soup we had the night before.  Clea finally got home late, and I came on home to rest.  No blog.

Tuesday - January 9

Lisa, Kay's niece came over early and will stay to assist Alma and Clea went back to the hospital to watch over Kay's mother, Annie and keep her company.

I am out of the picture for now.  It was a beautiful cool day and I got two things done.

  1.   I used Kays outside water faucet to fill the water tank to 50%.  Now I have water running in the WL.
  2.   I went to a propane store and bought a Extend-a-Stay connection and hose.  It allows me to connect an external propane tank, since the WL can't move right now.  Connected the connection and now I have in-house propane for my stove and heaters.
Later in the day, I got a text from Kay, giving me all the horrid luck, they had traveling to Minnesota.  When she learned of her mother's unfortunate fall, it just added to her list of problems.  You almost have to laugh:

  • The airline damaged Gary's brand-new wheelchair they had just bought for the trip.
  • When they got to the rental car company to pick up the special van they had paid for and reserved, was not there, so they had to go to another rental to finally get a van.
  • When they got to the hotel, they just put the luggage in the room and left for a doctor's appointment.  When they returned to their room, the key would not let them in.  Went to the desk to find out the maid had thought they were checking out.  Got a new key but found out the desk charged another $1850 to their credit card.  Sure, that will get straightened out.
  • When Kay found out her mom's conspiring us to keep her fall secret from her, she told us to never trust an 89-year-old Norwegian.
If it wasn't for bad luck, Kay and her mother would have no luck at all.  If Gary's heart surgery and her mom's broken bone works out well, the luck will be back with a big bang.

Wednesday - January 9

Yuma enjoying his nap.
Today, I slept in and didn't eat breakfast, till noon.  I tried starting the WL this afternoon and it wouldn't make a sound, so checked the batteries and they are full.  Now what?

I made the decision to bring in a professional.  I called a mobile diesel mechanic, and the secretary told me Dave would call tomorrow and we will discuss the problem I have and hopefully he will come out and give it a try.  Cost me, but at least I'll feel more comfortable as to what to do next.

Late in the day, Clea came home and gave us the news on Annie.  She has a crack near the top of her humorous on her right leg.  They operated and placed a screw to pull the crack together, so no broken hip.  Hooray!  Not sure when she will be released yet. 

Since Clea had been working non-stop, I didn't want to have her fixing dinner for Alma, so went to Denny's and had a nice meal and a little break from all the recent turmoil.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I’m gonna write a book and title it “the Norwegian way to drama” and put my mom’s picture on the cover!!! She came through surgery well and is doing good tonight. She has about a week to collect all her sympathy before I get home. Gary is officially cleared for heart surgery, so Monday he will have his 3rd heart surgery. The wheelchair will be evaluated in the morning and the parts will be ordered and likely be shipped to Arizona. Tmmrw I will spend the day fighting g for my refund from the car rental. We took Gary out to Karaoke this evening as it’s his last for a few weeks. It’s colder than you know what and snowing. I told Gary we’re moving to the beach in Panama!

    1. Thanks for all you do Doug! You’ve been a blessing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart! 💜. Gary says thank you too and he will be home in about a week and rescue you.

    2. You may be in for a first class blizzard, Kay. I hope not. I am glad I was here to help. Prayers for Gary.

  2. It's been quite the experience you've had on this trip! Hopefully, things will not be so crazy from here on. Good news on Alma's surgery. What a mess for Kay. At least Yuma's happy. Good luck with the mechanic!

    1. Me too. Much different adventures than past years.

  3. Glad you're getting some heat. I don't think it's going to heat up for awhile.

    1. Yes. Water and propane is vital for RV comfort. Should be much warmer Saturday. Hopefully by the time you arrive.

  4. Oh Doug what a trip and the last few days! Poor Kay too! At least Kay still has a sense of humor! :)

    1. A little different than past years but still an adventure.

  5. Hi Doug. At least you are in an area with beautiful views. And you have heat!

    1. Be better when it warms up and I can do a little hiking.

  6. I'm sure your assistance was greatly appreciated!

  7. You were there at a good time as you were certainly needed! It will all work out, Annie sounds quite feisty and Kay seems quite used to her!
