Wednesday, March 24, 2021

RV repair appointment and shopping day

 Slept pretty good last night.  Woke up at 8:30 to the patter of rain on the roof but luckily no wind.  Temperature was a cool 48 and only a high of 59 expected today.  Didn't get out of bed till around 9:30 because it was cloudy and cool outside.  Luckily, the sun should break through the clouds later.

Yesterday as I was typing up my post I happened to look out the window and saw a van go by that had Cameron's Reliable Mobile Repair on the side of it.  I called and got a messaging system so I left my number hoping to get a call today.

After breakfast, I tried to take Yuma to the Dog Park

But he heard gunfire from the shooting range down the road and that ended that idea.  

It was around 11 o'clock when I got the call from Cameron.  Surprised he called and he sounded like he knew quite a bit about the Safari Serengeti.  He said he could come by next Tuesday late in the day to see what needs to be fixed.  

Don't know when he will come back to actually do the work so I stopped by the RV office and told them I would not be leaving next Monday.  I will just be happy to have someone that knows what he's doing working on it and that is not me!😁

Laid around and took Yuma back to to the dog park several times but no luck.  The shooting has stopped.   Finally at 3 o'clock I left Yuma here and went the five miles to Walmart to do my shopping.  Back a little after 4.  

Tonight after dinner I'll watch the Chicago shows and call it a day.  Not an exciting day but got two very important things accomplished so I'm happy.  It is supposed to be VERY windy tomorrow and remain in the 60s for the rest of the week.  Where has the Arizona weather gone?😩

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I'm so glad you got someone to look at your MH problems. Hopefully, it won't be an extensive fix. Poor Yuma can't escape the loud noises. Enjoy your windy day tomorrow!

    1. Thanks Dolly. I knew you would be happy that I don't try to fix it 😃 You know me and leaking water don't go well together 😱

  2. Hey Doug, do you want to get together on Friday, or another day? I will stand by...Rawn

    1. Come on by anytime on Friday. I'll be home all day.

  3. Well that is good news to have found some one to come and look at your issue with the motorhome. Poor Yuma no fun for him with a shooting range close by That is a good question where did the Arizona warmth go? Really nice sunset pictures.

    1. Thanks Deb. I'm glad to find a pro that can look at it so quickly. Luckily they don't use the gun range often.

  4. Your pictures just keep getting better and better. Hope your repairs go well. Gord.

  5. I'm writing down that name and getting his number. You never know when you might need repairs. Glad to know you will get it fixed. My Jessie hates any kind of gun fire also. She just sits and shivers. The weather has just been downright weird. It POURED yesterday, then sun, then more rain. Maybe Arizona is mad because none of her Canadians are down here visiting!!

    1. I'll let you know how he works out. Glad for the rain but can do without the wind and cool weather. Yuma does that too and he won't go outside.

  6. Those pictures were beautiful. I hope the mobile repair guy can address and fix all of your issues!!

    1. Thanks Cheri. It would be great to have someone that knows what they're doing get it done right.

  7. Your quiet day ended with a spectacular sunset

  8. Hopefully the repair will be easy for the mobile guy and it will be fixed soon! Sure they are busy in that neck of the woods! Love those sunset pics!

    1. Thanks Shirley. I hope so too. It's just plastic pipe. How hard can that be 😆

  9. That truly looks like an interesting area to explore. Too bad Yuma is scared of the Gunshots.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Vail is a very pretty little town just getting started. Luckily I have only heard gunshots one morning so far.

  10. Wow. That sunset.... beautiful. Poor Yuma. I'm sure it's hard cuz he doesn't understand what is going on. Thanks for the info about the Walmart in that area. If we stop there I will few groceries.
