Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Palm Wash

 This morning for some reason I didn't want to get out of bed.  Slept okay, but just felt tired.  At 8:45 I got up but Yuma wouldn't.  He can hear some military jets taking off in the far distance and it scares him.  I can just barely hear it and only when I'm outside.

It is already 68 outside as I lay on my lounger drinking coffee and eating crackers trying to decide what to do today.  Just then my neighbor Patrick came up on his Polaris.  He and Suzanne are heading north to a lake to do some fishing and he wanted to know if I needed any firewood they were just going to leave.  Nice of Patrick to offer.

I had been looking at this US Topo Map I have on my phone and it details this area very clearly.  Shows all the washes and where they go.  I could see that Palm  Wash was just south of me and it went all the way up to the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains.

At 1 o'clock, Yuma and I jumped in the Jeep and headed west on S22 through the badlands.  Right at the top of the badlands there is a place where you can drive down into the South branch of the Palm Wash.  I have been to this area a number of times over the years but didn't know the name of it.

We dropped down into the wash and went left for about a mile where it got too narrow to drive.  We got out and started our adventure.

The wash at this point is beautiful with all the cuts made by the many years of rain water running through it.

Yuma has to check every bush.  The beginning of our hike is under an arch.

I kept hearing someone whispering above me. 😁

 Not going to talk and just let you hike along with us.  Have to tell you, Yuma loves running the trail.  But he doesn't go far from me without checking.

Lots of fallen rocks in our path.

We're back to the arch for one last sniff.

My US Topo map said that if I follow the Palm Wash to the east towards the sea, I will end up back at the White Lion.  So off we went.  It was about 8 miles on S22 to get here, so can't be too much further to get back.  Difference will be 55 mph compared to 4 mph.  Wasn't long before I was out of the Park and back into the Truckhaven Recreational area.
Even have a sign in the wash to let me know.

The 12 miles of wash back to camp was mainly a wide sandy wash that twisted and turned like a snake.  Had to trust my Topo Map as it was logging my journey so I could see where I was.
Had to take one last look back at Santa Rosa Mountain.

Now I know why it is called Palm Wash.  I saw one lone palm tree on my way out.

Above is the US Topo Map log of my journey today.  The bullseye at the top right is the White Lion.  The straight lines were when I left taking the highways to get to the narrow wash.  The wiggly line is my slow drive back through the Palm Wash.  

I must say Yuma and I are worn out from all the bouncing around we did.  First and last time I drive that far through a wash just to find a palm tree. 😃  We got home at 4 o'clock.

It's 6:30 and I'm done with this post and time for dinner, TV and bed.  Watching Port Protection Alaska that Elva clued me into.
Goodnight.  See you later.


  1. What wonderful pictures of the wash. It looked rugged, but beautiful. Yuma looked like he enjoyed your adventure. Probably the bumpy wash was not his favorite, though. It looks like it was a really interesting day.

    1. Thanks Dolly. Had a long day with the wash drive. Yuma did not like the jostling at all. I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. But it was an interesting hike through the canyon.

  2. What a day filled with beautiful rocks! Some of those places in your pictures I don't think I would go down into. Yuma is so cute, trailing ahead and then checking to make sure you're coming. I loved when Clemson did that. ❤🦮

    1. The canyon would be right down yours and Bill's alley.Just a beautiful hike and few climbs and bending overs. Yuma just loves these trails.

  3. Okay .... what is the website with the Topo map? I've been looking for something like that. And I love that it shows where you went!! Can you hook me up??? Thanks Doug. What a very cool trail!!!

    1. No website Nancy. It's an app on your phone. Do an app search for US Topo Maps and download.

  4. Beautiful pics of the area! You two are certainly adventurous duo! What a beautiful sunset! I agree with Nancy would like to know the website, just because :)

    1. Thanks Shirley. Check for app on Play Store for US Topo Maps Free.

  5. Nice pictures f your adventure. Amazing how nature creates all that beauty.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your explorations.

    It's about time.

  6. A nice outing for you and Yuma. The lone palm standing watch over its domain.
    The Park has reopened, we'll head to Peg Leg for a couple days.

    1. Glad to hear it's open. Let me know when you plan to be there.

    2. Should be there late Friday afternoon. It's open now so you could bring the White Lion over, or stop my for a Happy Hour around our fire ring say 3:30ish

    3. Great! I'll plan on stopping by around 3:30 for a visit. 😀

  7. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed the hike. It is pretty neat in there.
