Saturday, February 20, 2021

Relaxing Saturday in Ajo, Arizona

 Had a decent night's sleep and woke this morning at 8:30 and Yuma was ready to head outside.  It is a beautiful sunny and warm morning.  Nice for a walk.  Saw my first hummingbird at the feeder but just looked and headed off.  Hopefully, it will be back sometime.

Love the view out my living room window

I think there are more Organ Pipe Cactus around here than at the monument.

White Lion down there to the right.

We had breakfast and then walked around the area some more just enjoying the beauty of the place. 

At 12:30, Yuma and I got in the Jeep to head towards Ajo to see where the good internet signals are.   As I got close to Ajo, I had 4 bars of 5g.  Found there is a signal tower over Ajo, but unfortunately, it is obscured on the other side of the mountain where I'm staying.

We went to the plaza center park in Ajo and just enjoyed the green grass and I read posts and answered others.  Since I'm not getting a strong internet at my site, this will be my solution for awhile.

Breeze for Old Glory today.

Me and Yuma enjoying laying in the grass.

The little ones were enjoying a run through the grass.  Nice to hear their laughter.
Looking from the park plaza to the west, I can see the old high school and to the right of the tower is the Ajo "A" on the mountain.

We decided to drive back on the Scenic Route going around the "A" mountain back home.  Drove by the house I want to buy.  It has been for sale for a number of years.  Maybe now the price is down to my level 😀.  There is a small house to the right and a small studio to the left.  The scenery is magnificent.

We had a much earlier dinner tonight.  Last night's dinner was so late I had a stuffed feeling for several hours.  Tonight I had dinner first and then took my ride to do my post.  Almost 8 o'clock now and soon as I get back it will be time for bed.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wonderful pictures of the area you're in. Its nice to see all the cactus there. The organ pipes look very green and plump.Glad you're enjoying being in Ajo. It seems Yuma is, too. Seems strange to see kids running around.

    1. Such a beautiful area. Of all of the southwest I think I like here the best. It has everything.

  2. Love all the cactus, you are surrounded by cactus! Good pictures. Take care, Rawn Stone

  3. Libraries are good for internet in most boonie type towns. I remember the library in Ajo has supper fast internet. I think they hook you into fiber which is way faster than any other connection you can get. When I can't find an internet connection I always head to the library and it usually works outside in front of most of them also, but I don't think it did at the Ajo library.

    1. Thanks Franklin. I find once I get in line with the signal tower all is good.

  4. I think I would love that house if it had water and AC!! Beautiful location. I've also found libraries (you can even just pull up outside) are a good source for internet.

    1. You want everything Nancy 😀 it does have a few drawbacks. Ajo has great internet service but I'm staying on the backside of the mountains where the signal is very weak.

  5. Love seeing kids out and being normal. We had a little family across from us in Death Valley. So cute seeing the brother and sister out playing and dancing to the neighbor next door playing his guitar :) It would be quite the workout getting up and down from your house! I'd love to see the inside :)

    1. Kids are fun from a distance 😀. I would like to see it too but know I would never be interested. Love the boondocking too much.

  6. Loved the photo where you are laying down. That house and property are interesting.

    1. Thanks Elva. Nice to lay on grass. Yuma enjoys it here. Property is too expensive with forty acres of mountainside to buy.

  7. A beautiful day for the kids to be playing in the park. I once told Fran we had a full-hook-up site at Belly Acres and she didn't realize that didn't include Cable TV! It's the little things that are important. I'd say you have an awesome site despite having to drive to a reliable connection.

    1. Yes they are. I may move if the right place opens. It is more crowded than I've seen the place before. Luckily I have Dish anywhere I go. 😀

  8. We've been eying that house, too. You better put an offer on it, our we'll wind up in a bidding war. (You'll let us moochdock in your driveway, right?)

    1. I'm sure it's outside my price range for a winter home. Besides I have the whole desert as my home in the White Lion. 😀 You won't need a driveway.

    2. Just checked on is 1 bed, 1 bath, $175,000, and has been for sale for a looooong time. We do agree with you: Darby Well Road and beyond is one of our very favorite places to while away some of the winter.

  9. Might be worth your to move the White Lion into the Valley so you don't have to make this daily drive.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Maybe. But Yuma loves coming to the grass at the plaza while I text and read my blogs.

  10. I know that house 'For Sale' you saw. It seems to have been for sale for years. Must be some kind of BIG problem with it. Maybe no accessible water or something. I always got the feeling it could be a real rattlesnake hang out in the hot weather up there amongst the rocks.
