Thursday, December 9, 2021

Visit with Friends

 We were up by nine and decided to stick around home today so we had our leisure  three course breakfast outside in the beautiful sunshine.  A little hummingbird continues to quickly stop at my feeder but so quickly I can't get a picture of it! 😟  Yuma and Nick did a little playing with the Frisbee this morning as a train slowly went by in the gulley below.

I was reading Lorne and Sue's post yesterday and they mentioned they were at Snyder Hill BLM here in Tucson, so I contacted Lorne to see if they would be home today and they said Yes!

They are from Manitoba and they are slowly on their way to a nice Mexican beach next week.  Been doing this for awhile and love the area they stay each winter.

Headed over to their place around 1:15 to be there at 2 o'clock.  They are staying on the far west of Tucson.  Found their parking place quickly and Lorne was outside enjoying the weather.  It was just me and Yuma.  Nick had a test final for his college class so stayed home to take that.  Worked out for both of us.

Sue and their new little doggie, Archie popped out of the motorhome soon after I arrived.  They just got him from the Yuma Animal Rescue  where I got Yuma six years ago.  Yuma and Archie ran all around playing but as boys will be, they got a little rough once in awhile. 

We chatted for awhile and before I knew it was after 4 o'clock.  I always think of myself as a quiet reserved guy, but I can certainly gab a lot.😅

Made it home just in time to cook hotdogs and salad for dinner and at 6:30 time for football!  Time to relax and enjoy the evening.  Poor Yuma wore himself out running and playing today.

Sunset on the mountains.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I'm glad you got to see Lorne and Sue before they move on south. That Archie is a cutie! I'm sure Yuma enjoyed meeting a new friend. I hope Nick did well on his exam. Beautiful sunset tonight! Have a good night!

    1. Thank you Dolly. That Archie has piercing eyes and he's playful. The two of them ran around and around the MH 🙂

  2. Always fun to meet up with friends on the road ... Heck, that's how we met :)
    Trust Nick was able to prepare well for his final. He may end up liking working from the road.

    1. Yes it is. Met Lorne and Sue coming up from Mexico last April and this time heading down.

  3. I really enjoyed your pictures from your hike in the last post. How great that you got to get in a visit with Sue and Lorne while they are there. This "forced" stop for repairs seems to be turning into a really great stop for you guys.

    1. Thank you Deb. Yes, this change in plans has completely revamped my travel plans this winter. Lots of new adventures not in original plans.

  4. Aha!! Love the name of their dog. He looks like an Archie!
    Glad you got a visit in with them. Great people.

    1. Yes, I've caught them coming and going to Mexico the last two years.

  5. Good to meet up with friends! Looks like Yuma had a busy day playing Frisbee in the morning then wrestling with Archie! How Nick aced his test!

    1. Yes, Nick did well. That Yuma wore himself out yesterday.

  6. I love that you guys adopted puppies. I do like to see them play!! Hope the trains aren't too much of a bother!

    1. They had a great time but a little aggressive being both boys. Love the sound of the trains. No bother at all. You got rain here last night and this morning.

  7. Thank you Ufa88. Welcome from Cambodia. Thank you for stopping by.

  8. Another great day for everyone including the babies. I picked Max but I like Archie too. Elva

    1. Another nice day. I think Archie fits him after meeting him. 🙂
